Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's Almost Christmas!

It's almost Christmas and the Millers are ready.
Our pup's stocking is a new addition this year...
Our first Christmas tree!And Christmas breads! Rachel has been attempting to duplicate her mother's breads for our Christmas morning. So far, she has a 50% success rate. (The loaf on the right didn't rise correctly.) But the successful loaf still equals 100% deliciousness.


Familie Neumeier said...

We wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!

Greetings from Germany
Flo, Stefanie & Luisa

Roxanne said...

Your tree and decorations are beautiful! I shouldn't have expected any less from such a classy lady.

Merry Christmas!! Enjoy the bread and pass along the recipe if you don't mind ;)

JB said...

Merry X-mas! Miss you guys!