Sunday, February 14, 2010

Year of the Tiger

Today is the Chinese Lunar New Year, and we've all entered the Year of the Tiger. We made our own batch of traditional Chinese dumplings (jiao zi) to celebrate. Jiao zi means "money" in Mandarin, and serving dumplings on New Year's day is symbolic of good fortune in the new year. Our dumplings were filled with roast chicken, shitake mushrooms, spinach, and other veggies. And there is the obligatory pic of Bella. She usually sits in the kitchen when we're cooking, right in the middle where we need to walk. Here she's waiting for food to drop from above.

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

And...More Snow...

Another snowstorm today in Philly -- the second in four days. We're now .4 inches away from the city's total snowfall record! (1996 record is 65.5", we're at 65.1") Rachel's office closed for the day, but, committed scientist that he is, Russ is at the lab working today. The city's buses will all stop running at 5:00, so let's hope he makes it home! All of the area highways have been closed as well. It's pretty when you don't have to drive in it or shovel it, right?

Note to self: when SEPTA says bus service shuts down at 5 pm, they mean wink, wink 3 pm.
It was a cold walk home in the snow, but Rachel was kind enough to place a fresh pair of clothes in the dryer to be pre-warm and had some water boiling for hot coco.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February Snowstorm

Our second major snowstorm of the year hit this weekend. The city is blanketed with 28" of snow -- in the record books, that's the No. 2 snowstorm in the past 100 years. In the past 94 winters, less than that has fall in entire seasons.

So while that may not seem like much to our Midwestern readers, it's a lot of snow for Philly! We are thoroughly enjoying not owning a driveway or needing to shovel our walk. (Some of the only perks of renting.) We took Bella for a long walk last night; here are some pics of our neighborhood and Bella's frolics through the drifts.