Friday, August 14, 2009

Vick in Philadelphia

The Philadelphia Eagles have signed Michael Vick today, and animal and dog lovers around town are furious. If you didn't know, Vick has spent the last 2 years in prison for his sponsorship of a dogfighting group. Here is a summary of his involvement in the dogfighting case: (The summaryis that he organized a dog-fighting group and helped kill 6-8 "underperforming" dogs by drowning or hanging in 2007.)

Here's what I think of overpaid, animal-abusing NFL players:

Let's hope Bella demolishes it!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dog Bed, Monkey Head

We finally relented and bought Bella a dog bed. She hasn't quite figure it out yet...
We can't show you the other things she's been doing to her new dog bed...just not PG-rated for the kiddies. Needless to say, she loves her dog bed. A lot.

Oh, and that monkey toy she got for Easter from Donna? She beheaded it. Yummy -- stuffed monkey brains...