My friend Jeff keyed me into this new application that the Huffington Post has out there that links up all the public political campaign contributions to a google map-like format. Its actually quite frightening. Jeff found it while being googled, its near the top of a search for "Jeff Howard Lincoln Nebraska". On the map you can see his name and address and that he is clearly a Ron Paul supporter (how did that work out for you Jeff?).
The application is actually quite interesting, as you can either search for people you know to see who they gave money to or look in your neighborhood to see who is donating to whom. It becomes pretty interesting when you start toggling between the 2004 contributions and 2008, showing a clear increase in democratic funding. Or to satisfy your more paparazzi instincts, you can see who all your favorite celebrities donated to. I guess I knew this was all in the public domain but it kind of seems a bit much to have it all easily accessible like this.