Monday, June 30, 2008

Rock Paper Scissors Recap

Here is the long-awaited PBRPRPSCLCS (PBR Philadelphia Rock Paper Scissors City League Championship Tournament) post. Our team, the Paper Cut Posse, went out in a blaze of glory -- wait, no . . . that's not right -- we were mostly all out in the second round, even with a first-round "buy." The Droog (a.k.a. Steve) was our best contender, who made it to the final 8 (out of 50+ players) but lost to the RPS savant, Loomer. Here is Loomer looking stumped (left) while the Droog considers his next move (right).

Le Tigre (a.k.a. Russell), unfortunately joined us losers after the second round. But he lost to the 2008 PBRPRPSCLCS champion -- Mr. Is. Click here to see the complete standings and to read the league blog.

I consoled myself after losing with collecting the signatures of the players featured on our tournament street cash. (At each tournament, street cash is given to each player, who then play street matches on the side. Whoever wins the most street cash by the end of the night wins a prize -- cash money.) For the championship tournament, special street cash was created featuring players, characters all. Here is my signed street cash from the night:

Baconshark, the 2007 PBRPRPSCLCS tournament champion.

Fighting Mongooses, one of the Majestic Twelve (one of the Paper Cut Posse's rival team). We keep our distance.

Posthumyn, a serious street cash contender and one of the only womyn players in the league.

PJRhymeswithSausage, who kindly reminds me to "stay out of the library!"
(You had to be there.)

And everyone's favorite, the Paper Tiger. A man without a team,
yet every team's favorite player. He's a mystery within an enigma, etc., etc.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Taco cat IS a palindrome

This icanhascheezberger site is super precious. I'm a total dude, but these cat pictures make me all warm and fuzzy. Seriously yo.